7 Food Items That Can Harm Your Pregnancy

During pregnancy, your little one inside your womb is totally dependent upon you for proper nutrition. As a pregnant woman, you are eating for your baby’s nutrition too. Hence, you have to be a bit selective while having food. You have to strictly say no to the food items that can hamper your baby’s health inside your womb. Let the experts of a private ultrasound scan clinic in Aylesbury provide you a list of 7 food items that should be avoided during pregnancy. 

Half-boiled eggs

Eating a boiled egg every day is necessary for pregnancy. But, be aware of the half-boiled or under-cooked eggs that contain a dangerous bacteria named Salmonella. These bacteria often cause food poisoning. As a result, your pregnancy can hamper, even it can lead to pregnancy loss. 


It is believed that consuming papaya during pregnancy leads to early labor. It sometimes mitigates the growth of the developing baby and a mother ends up having a premature baby. Hence, why take a risk? Skip it for 9 months to be on the safe side. 

Several kinds of seafood

Seafood that contains a high amount of mercury are somehow dangerous to the growing baby inside its mother’s womb. Hence, doctors recommend pregnant women not to have some sea fishes like Tuna, King Mackerel, Swordfish, etc. 

Raw sprouts

It is indeed an undeniable fact that raw sprouts are extremely healthy. But, do not eat raw sprouts if you are expecting another life inside your womb. Raw sprouts contain a lot of bacteria that can somehow harm the growing baby or hamper the pregnancy. 

Deli meats

Strictly avoid having ready-to-eat meats like sausages, pepperoni, hotdogs, etc. These are extremely pernicious to a pregnant woman and her baby. 

Unwashed fruits and veggies

Uncleaned fruits and veggies contain some parasites that can not be seen in general. Having unwashed fruits and veggies means consuming those parasites too. Hence, each time you have a fruit or veggie, do not forget to wash them in fresh running water before you take a bite. 

Unpasteurized milk products

Avoid having unpasteurized milk products like cheese when you are pregnant. Instead, have a glass of properly boiled milk to gain essential nutrients. 

The experts of Window to the Womb, the most recommended early pregnancy scan clinic in Aylesbury recommend each and every pregnant woman to avoid the afore-mentioned 7 foods for the well-being of the little one inside the womb.  


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