Exercising During Pregnancy: Pros And Cons Explained

Those days are gone when pregnant women used to bed rest during the entire nine months of pregnancy. Nowadays, along with the household activities, women are equally engaged with the outer activities professionally. Because of such hectic lifestyles when women do not almost get a single chance to take care of their own health, doctors recommend practicing moderate physical exercises to almost all expecting women.

Medical science has not yet found any case where tender physical workouts have caused complications in pregnancy. Renowned gynecologists all over the globe recommend performing physical exercise regularly at least for 20-30 minutes a day.

Which exercises are safe for pregnant women?

Considering the fact that physical exercises are extremely beneficial for both the mother and the baby, Window to the Womb, the highly-rated clinic for a private ultrasound scan in Aylesbury suggests some physical exercises that are apt for pregnant mothers.

  • The pelvic floor exercises can be done from the initial stage of pregnancy.
  • Women who already have the habit of workout can easily continue brisk walking and light jogging with the permission of the doctor.
  • Yoga, aqua aerobics, swimming, cycling, and walking are some commonly known and highly recommended exercises for expecting mothers.

What are the benefits of physical exercises during the phase of pregnancy?

  • Every expecting mother gains an extra body weight during pregnancy, which is absolutely normal. But she has to maintain and bodyweight properly as extreme weight gaining is harmful to the pregnancy. Exercise during pregnancy manages a healthy weight gain of the would-be mommy. A regular physical workout helps in weight management which is the main concern of almost every expecting woman.
  • Moderate physical exercises keep a pregnant woman physically fit and active which helps a lot during the time of child-birth.
  • Performing daily physical exercises maintains the mental health of the mommy-to-be. To most pregnant women, physical workouts appear to be a medium of relaxation.

What are the benefits of doing physical exercise after pregnancy?

  • Just after the delivery of the child, the extra body weight that has been gained by the mother during her pregnancy does not get reduced overnight. This extra weight needs a certain time to lose. For losing baby weight after pregnancy, a woman should perform physical exercises moderately.
  • Manages post-delivery mood swings, stress, and anxiety.
  • Helps to restore strength and muscle tone just as in the pre-pregnancy period.
  • Promotes a speedy recovery after giving birth to a child.

What are the ill effects of too much exercise during and after pregnancy?

Nothing is good when it appears to be too much. Hence, too much exercise is bad for the health. Too much exercise can cause:

  • Unnatural vaginal bleeding
  • Leakage of amniotic fluid
  • Chest pain
  • Dizziness

Practicing too much workout even can be harmful to the child inside the womb. Hence, be careful and start exercise after consulting your doctor.

Besides, for having a well-being scan in Aylesbury, visit Window to the Womb. 


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