5 Benefits Of Breastfeeding For Both The Mom And The Baby

 The benefits of breastfeeding are seemingly endless. This is because it is not only beneficial for a newborn but also advantageous for a new mommy. However, it is completely your personal choice whether you will breastfeed your baby or not. But before you decide anything, let’s go through the 5 most advantageous facts of breastfeeding for both the mother and the daughter. In today’s blog, the most recommended private ultrasound scan clinic in Watford has penned 5 science-based benefits of breastfeeding that are simply amazing for you and your newborn baby. 

1. Breastfeeding is ideal for newborn babies- 

Breast milk is considered to be ideal for newbies because it provides all the essential nutrients to a baby. This is why doctors these days recommend breastfeeding a baby at least for its first 6 months. During this time, breast milk is the fundamental source of nutrition for a newbie. 

2. Breast milk reduces the risk of disease for a baby- 

During the initial few months, a baby’s immune system remains tender. Therefore, a baby is more prone to diseases during this time. But breast milk contains important antibodies that help a baby to fight off viruses and bacteria. Specifically, colostrum, or the first milk of the breast contains a high amount of immunoglobulin and other important antibodies that help babies combat diseases. 

3. Breast milk promotes a healthy body weight for the baby-

 If a newborn baby is breastfed instead of fed formula milk, there are fewer possibilities of having childhood obesity. Breast milk along with its essential nutrients promotes a healthy body weight when it comes to a newbie. 

4. Breastfeeding help in reducing baby fat for the mother- 

Women are more likely to gain extra body weight while pregnant. This extra body weight after the pregnancy is referred to as baby fat which is to be reduced. Breastfeeding helps in reducing baby fat and getting back to healthy body weight like the pre-pregnancy period. 

5. It saves a lot of money- 

Formula milk which is prescribed to a child instead of breastfeeding is expensive enough while breast milk is almost free. Breastfeeding your baby saves a lot of money without depending on anything from the market. Breast milk is always at the right temperature and just so appropriate for the babies to drink anytime. 

The benefits of breastfeeding are numerous and this is why most doctors recommend breastfeeding for as long as a woman can. However, no matter what decision you ultimately take, your healthcare provider and your preferred private ultrasound scan clinic in Watford will always guide you to the right methods with specific information. 



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