Know The Benefits Of an Early Pregnancy Scan 

Many women wait a long time for going through a private ultrasound scan after getting pregnant. But the experts of Window to the Womb, the leading well-being scan clinic in Watford suggest going through an early pregnancy scan whenever you get to know that you are pregnant. Let us inform you in detail about the advantages of having an early pregnancy scan. 

What is an early pregnancy scan?

An early pregnancy scan is a type of ultrasound that is performed between 7 to 12 weeks. During this time, an abdominal scan can check on the baby. As this ultrasound is generally performed during the early weeks of pregnancy, doctors refer it to as an early pregnancy scan.

What are the advantages of an early pregnancy scan?

You might be thinking that if you are already aware of your pregnancy, is there any necessity to go through an ultrasound scan in the early days! For clearing such doubts, read the following points. You would definitely get your answers. 

An early pregnancy scan has multiple advantages like: 

·      It is a bit strange, but only an early pregnancy scan can detect the age of your pregnancy. Rather, it can be said that you can know the accurate information of how long you have been pregnant. According to this scan report, the estimated due date is calculated by the doctors.

·      In case, you are carrying twins and more, an early pregnancy scan can detect this too.

·      Early pregnancy scans are very effective for detecting any kind of abnormalities in pregnancy. Knowing about an abnormality from the early days of pregnancy helps to conduct proper treatments for this.

Besides, you can be entirely tension-free if you get to know that no abnormality is there in your pregnancy. This also happens by an early pregnancy scan only.

·      Confirm that all is well if you have any pregnancy issues in the record. Assure yourself about wellness by going through an early pregnancy scan. It can reduce your anxiety for sure.

·      See your little one that has just started to grow inside your womb by an early pregnancy scan.

We understand the value of seeing your baby for the first time via an ultrasound scan. This is why we at Window to the Womb offer the best early pregnancy scan in Watford.

·      By going through an early pregnancy scan, you can get the first picture and video of your baby. We are sure that you would cherish these memories for the rest of your life by watching your baby’s first photograph from an early pregnancy scan.

Is an ultrasound scan safe during the early pregnancy?  

According to the doctors, an early pregnancy scan is absolutely safe during pregnancy. There is no complication or side effect if you go through an ultrasound scan during your early pregnancy. Still, if you are in doubt, consult your gynecologists after knowing that you are expecting a new life. 


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