Danger Signs During Pregnancy That Need To Be Checked By A Private Ultrasound Scan At Watford


Not all symptoms during pregnancy are normal.

Other symptoms you may experience during pregnancy are actually courses for alarm. A private ultrasound scan at Watford helps find out the abnormalities.

Since there are many symptoms you may experience during pregnancy, you might not know which one can wait until you go for your next prenatal visit and which one can warrant immediate medical attention. 

Always ask your doctor for clarification about your concern during your prenatal visits. You should remember that some symptoms actually need swift attention. Let’s take a look at some of them.

Severe Nausea and Vomiting

When you are pregnant, you may have some nausea and that’s okay. But in case it gets to be severe, then that may be more serious. For example, you may experience nausea every time you try to drink or eat. That means you will become dehydrated and malnourished and this can hurt your unborn baby. You should inform your health provider immediately when you experience severe nausea. They may advise changing your diet or prescribe medication.


Bleeding generally means different things throughout the pregnancy. If you experience heavy bleeding and have sharp abdominal pain as well as menstrual-like cramps, or sometimes feel like you would faint during your first trimester, then it could sometimes be a clear sign of ectopic pregnancy. This usually occurs when a fertilized egg implants somewhere else instead of the uterus. It can actually be life-threatening.  

Also, heavy bleeding with cramping might sometimes be a sign of miscarriage both in the first or early second trimester.

Your Water Breaks

If you are doing your usual activities and suddenly feel a flood of water rushing down your legs, then it could mean that your water has broken. It is important to note that the enlarged uterus during pregnancy can also cause urine leakage. So, water breaking could be a dramatic gush of the fluid, while other times it could be more subtle. You can rush to the bathroom and try to empty your bladder. In case the fluid continues to come out, then it means your water has broken and you should go to the hospital or call your doctor. 

An early pregnancy scan at Watford can help to determine if some signs, like fluid rush, is normal or a sign of a serious problem. To confirm that everything is going on smoothly, you should take a 4D Well-being Scan at Watford, or let your healthcare give recommend any of the Baby Scan Offers at Watford that you should consider. 


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