Ultrasounds: Are They Safe And How Many Can I Have?
Ultrasound is safe and it does not harm the baby or the mother. Ultrasound has been used since the 1970s and has led to a revolution in prenatal diagnosis. Today it is unthinkable not to do them to know the status of our baby, and even to perform fetal therapy.
In addition, fetal ultrasound images can help your doctor to evaluate your baby’s development and growth and monitor your pregnancy well.
The first-ever ultrasound machines with huge probes hung from the ceiling and whose images left much to be desired. Today we not only perform ultrasound in 2D but also in 3D and 4D, and we can assess the flows of all fetal and maternal vessels, with very clear and precise images.
But many doubts have arisen among pregnant women about the safety and indications of ultrasound. We clarify the main questions.
Can ultrasounds harm the baby?
It is a simple, harmless and painless technique. It does not involve radiation or exposure, so it is a safe practice for both the pregnant woman and the baby.
The ultrasound frequencies used in ultrasounds are very low, so they do not harm the fetus. During the ultrasound, it is not observed that the baby is disturbed, excited, or makes sudden movements, so the theoretical heat generated by the ultrasound is not perceived, that is, it is not a microwave.
It is true that when the embryo is very few weeks old, local heat can be increased by applying doppler, but only if the test is extended over time.
How many ultrasounds can be done?
Can they be done every trimester of pregnancy, every month, every 15 days, twice a week? In 80% of the cases, they are sufficient and no more needs to be done. More than those indicated will be done in cases of risky pregnancy, such as occurs for example in twin gestation, hypertension, restricted intrauterine growths, bleeding, after having applied assisted reproductive techniques to become pregnant.
Or if any have been detected an abnormality in the first-trimester screening test to discover chromosomal diseases such as Down syndrome, etc.
Now you can have the ones you want with a private ultrasound scan clinic in Watford, there is no limit as long as you pay for them. But you should know that most of the clinics and government entities will only do three if everything goes well.
Nice blog. Every pregnant women needs ultrasound scan to check the well being for her unborn child. Thank you.